SWMBRD: The one board for all water. It’s easily portable, fun in any body of water, and enhances the safety and enjoyment of every swim whether for adventure, workout, or recreation.
SWMBRD: The one board for all water. It’s easily portable, fun in any body of water, and enhances the safety and enjoyment of every swim whether for adventure, workout, or recreation.
Swmbrd creates a world of open water swimming possibilities. Explore cliffs and caves, ride the surf, or just float and watch the fish below. Find your own way to Swmbrd!
Flat water doesn’t mean flat days. The unique design of the Swmbrd makes it perfect for hours of floating, swimming, and playing on the water. Racing or relaxing.
Perfect your technique, get, a great full-body workout. Swmbrd’s unique shape and unequalled versatility make it a pool day even when the weathers not so great.
Coming soon to an Aquatic Centre near you!
Floating while the water flows lazily along or riding the rapids with ultimate security and manoeuvrability, Swmbrd is your perfect partner for exploring new rivers.
The board’s patented design unleashes the
human body’s natural abilities in any aquatic
environment, without need for waves,
paddles or sails. Watch below as Co-founder Justin Schroenn gives some tips on getting started on your SWMBRD.